Logging In FAQs
Here you will find information to help parents and students get logged in at home. If you still have questions please contact your child's school or teacher and provide a detailed description of the issue with a screenshot.
How does my child access digital programs?
Most digital programs are accessible from home through Classlink. Please use the Chrome browser to access Classlink. Students will use their computer login to access Classlink.
How do I use Classlink on an iPad?
You must install the Classlink app on the iPad before you can access Classlink. For more directions go here.
How do I use Classlink on an Android?
You must install the Classlink app on the Android before you can access Classlink. For more directions go here.
How does my child access iReady?
Students can access iReady through Classlink. For more direction go here. If they are are using an iPad, please download the app, then go to Classlink to login.
How does my child access Istation?
Istation must be installed on the device, then students can access it through Classlink. For more directions go here.
How does my child access Dreambox?
Students can access Dreambox through Classlink. For more direction go here.