BPUSD Welcomes 2024-25 Student Board Members

Baldwin Park Unified School District (BPUSD) is proud to introduce the 2024-25 Student Board Members, who will provide valuable student perspectives throughout the school year. The student representatives were introduced at recent Board of Education meetings, where the Board of Education presented each student member with a BPUSD emblem pin.

The 2024-25 Student Board Members are:

  • Jasmin Sivakumaran, a senior at Baldwin Park High School, is an accomplished athlete in tennis and badminton and is interested in computer and political science. Sivakumaran is also a member of Dr. Debra Duardo’s Los Angeles County Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council and serves on her school’s Site Council.
  • Lathanyel Lee, a senior at North Park Continuation High School, is determined to excel academically to make his mother proud. A passionate gamer and advocate for helping his classmates succeed, Lee is exploring options for post-graduation, including college or a vocational career path.
  • Jason Avendano, a senior at Sierra Vista High School, has been an active member of the Associated Student Body for four years and participates in wrestling, water polo, and swimming. Avendano hopes to make a lasting impact by improving campus life during his tenure as a Student Board Member.

Each high school in BPUSD elects one student to serve a one-year term, participating in Board meetings on a rotational basis. Student Board Members will share student reports and contribute to discussions, ensuring that student voices are heard in shaping the District’s educational programs.



*Listed in order of high school name

Jasmin Sivakumaran, BPHS, 2024 

Lathanyel Lee, NPHS, 2024

Jason Avendano, SVHS, 2024