Spotlight: Principal Wendy Enriquez Leads with Local Pride

Having grown up in Baldwin Park, Ms. Enriquez brings a unique perspective and dedication serving as Principal of Geddes Elementary. Raised in the community, she brings a deep sense of commitment and local pride to her role as an educator.


Principal Enriquez moved to Baldwin Park at the age of two, and attended Tracy Elementary, Sierra Vista Junior High School, and later, Sierra Vista High School. Reflecting on her upbringing, she recalls the close-knit community she grew up in. “We were a walking family,” she said. “We lived near Francisquito, and since we only had one vehicle, my mom would walk us to school every day. It was a lovely walking community. It was nice to know almost everyone around.”


Her parents, both of whom retired as BPUSD employees—her mother in the cafeteria and her father as a custodian—still live in the home where she grew up. After leaving Baldwin Park to attend college at UC Riverside, Ms. Enriquez returned to her hometown, where she began her career in education. She taught at Geddes Elementary for 13 years, covering all grade levels, and teaching Structured English Immersion and Dual Language. During this time, she purchased a condo in Baldwin Park, started a family, and earned a Master's Degree in Educational Leadership at Concordia University-Irvine.


After her ventures outside of Baldwin Park, Ms. Enriquez remained committed to Baldwin Park, enrolling her four children in BPUSD schools. “I think Baldwin Park has everything,” she said. “Coming back to serve my own community has been really nice. I see the kids, and I see myself. I see the parents and remember my mom walking us to school.”


“Once I became a teacher, I knew I wanted to move on and be a principal because I could impact my classroom, but leaving the classroom, I could spread that impact a little more,” she said. She began her journey as the Principal of Geddes Elementary in 2021, right after the pandemic, and officially took on the role in May 2022.


Starting her administrative career at Geddes Elementary, following virtual learning, Ms. Enriquez faced the challenges of leading a school after the pandemic. “It was difficult coming back after the pandemic because I knew there would be a strain on parent engagement and working around so many mandates and quarantines.” Despite these challenges, she remained committed to fostering a safe and trusting environment, greeting students and parents at the front gate each morning—a tradition she holds dear. “I tried my best to remind parents that I am a product of this city. I grew up here and chose to bring my children here because I know it’s the best District.”


She emphasizes the importance of parent engagement and community building. “Hosting events for students and their family members to work on stimulating activities together and seeing them do it with a smile and pride for our school is what it's all about,” she said.


At Geddes Elementary, the focus is on holistic education and preparing students for the future. "The sky's the limit," says Ms. Enriquez, echoing the school's mission to develop productive citizens for a global society. She focuses on building connections with students and fostering curiosity. "I always encourage students to ask questions and to be curious. Our goal is to create an environment where every student feels supported and inspired."


This year, Geddes Elementary has experienced growth, welcoming new students and teachers. For Ms. Enriquez, this is an opportunity to strengthen the school community. "As a principal, it was a priority for me to bring everyone together and create a sense of family, while respecting the diverse backgrounds that make up our school community."


Balancing her roles as both a principal and a parent within the District, Ms. Enriquez credits her supportive family for making it possible. “It’s very difficult, but I have a very supportive family. My husband and I tag-team dinner, and my kids are very understanding and patient.”


As she looks to the future, Ms. Enriquez hopes to leave a lasting legacy in Baldwin Park. “I hope to be known as the Principal who really cares, who knows as many names as possible, who is always visible every morning, at every celebration, in the hallways, at assemblies, at school events, and with an open door policy. I want students to succeed here at Geddes Elementary, but for it also to feel like home when they look back.”


At Geddes Elementary, Principal Wendy Enriquez continues to foster a strong sense of community, carrying forward the values she learned growing up in Baldwin Park and instilling them in the next generation.





Principal Enriquez 1: Geddes Elementary Principal Wendy Enriquez poses for a photo inside the school’s wellness room.


Principal Enriquez 2: Geddes Elementary students gather for a photo with school Principal Wendy Enriquez during recess. 


Principal Enriquez 3: Principal Wendy Enriquez kicks off the 2023-2024 Read-A-Thon event assembly.