BPUSD Engages in ACE Classified Employee Week Program

The Baldwin Park Unified School District was one of 10 districts in California to participate in the exclusive 2024 Appreciating Classified Employees (ACE) program during Classified School Employee Week, held May 20-24. The ACE program, a joint effort between the California School Employees Association (CSEA) and participating districts, aims to bridge the gap between administrators and classified staff. It allows administrators to shadow classified employees for a day, gaining firsthand experience of their essential roles.


“Within the last five years, we have been honored twice by CSEA to participate in the ACE programs, to share just a glimpse of all that our classified school employees do for our students, parents, faculty, administration, as well as, one another. This experience is about building connections and strengthening our relationships with our work families.” CSEA Chapter 28 Baldwin Park President Marlene Rodriguez said.


Nearly 50 staff members across BPUSD volunteered to participate this year, representing a wide range of departments. These included crossing guards ensuring student safety, bus drivers transporting students to and from school, painters maintaining a fresh learning environment, HVAC technicians keeping schools comfortable, food service workers providing nutritious meals, technology specialists supporting classrooms, and secretarial staff offering vital administrative support, along with many others.


The program began with a two and a half hour job shadowing session, followed by a culminating event where all participants shared their experiences. Among the shadow administrators were school principals, directors, cabinet members, management staff, board members, and the superintendent. Attendees received certificates and enjoyed a celebratory lunch attended by guests Natalie Galaz, Labor Relations Representative from the Santa Fe Field Office, and Jody Grenier, Regional Representative from Region 35.


“Bringing together our administrators and classified staff through the ACE program was a great way to get a better understanding not just of respective roles, but also the people behind those roles,” Superintendent Dr. Froilan Mendoza said.


BPUSD is grateful for the many contributions of classified employees that play a vital role in the daily operations of schools. Their dedication makes an impact on ensuring the best educational experience for students.



2024_ACE1: Central Elementary Assistant Principal Yesenia Valerio shadows Christian Luna, Head Custodian at Jones Elementary School.


2024_ACE2: Chief Technology Officer Rick Hassler shadows Cindy Gonzalez, Crossing Guard at Vineland Elementary School.


2024_ACE3: Director of Student Services Alicia Fields shadows Patricia Moses, Librarian at BP STEM Academy.


2024_ACE4: Associate Superintendent of Business and Operations Marc Chaldu shadows Adriana Thalia Montes de Oca, Food Service Cook and Baker at Baldwin Park High School.


2024_ACE5: Superintendent Dr. Froilan Mendoza shadows Priciliano Ojeda, Painter.


2024_ACE6: Bursch Elementary Principal Ofelia Romero shadows Abraham Ortega, Job Developer 

at Sierra Vista High School.