BPUSD Students Grow Music Skills during Distance Learning

Students enrolled in Baldwin Park Unified’s violin and orchestra programs tune into Google Classroom, adjust their microphones and cameras, and follow the visual and audio cues of orchestra teachers Jacob Boyd, Joshua Chan, Paul Grant and Justin Wong, as they hone their musical skills and practice compositions.

More than 400 students in elementary, middle and high school participate in BPUSD’s string programs, which range from beginner to advanced classes. At the beginning of the academic year, students check out instruments for home use.

“As our program grows and the demand for stringed instruments increases, our School District has been amazing in supporting us to buy a large number of violins, violas, cellos and basses to ensure that no child is turned away,” Grant said. “The District is ensuring that each student receives a quality education with a quality instrument.”

During distance learning, a hurdle for younger students has been tuning their instruments without teacher assistance. Grant took time to visit students, and tuned instruments and shared tips so they could practice in the future.

“With the outstanding support of our parents, educators and administrators, our young musicians are being set up for success,” Superintendent Dr. Froilan Mendoza said. “Music education is an important component for a well-rounded life, and Baldwin Park Unified is so grateful to have exceptional teachers like Mr. Grant, who make it their mission to enrich the lives of our students.”

Through a collaborative effort, the District’s music department is creating a virtual performance to celebrate the winter holidays, featuring elementary, middle and high school orchestra students.

Watch an orchestra program documentary from the 2019-20 school year.

PHOTO CAPTION: Elementary and middle school students in the District’s violin program work diligently to grow their skills and explore their creativity through music.