BPUSD Induction Program - 1st Annual Candidates' Presentations and Recognitions
- What
- BPUSD Induction Program - 1st Annual Candidates' Presentations and Recognitions
- When
- 5/2/2018, 3:15 PM – 5:00 PM
- Where
- BPUSD Board Room
BPUSD Induction Program – First Annual Candidates’ Presentations and Recognition
Leslee A. Rodriguez, Coordinator of Induction and Professional Development, would like to invite members of the Board and Cabinet to attend the BPUSD Induction Program’s First Annual Candidates’ Presentations and Recognition. An invitation and presentation schedule is included in your mail packets. Ms. Rodriguez shared that she is pleased to be implementing this new component to the program for the Candidates to be able to highlight their SMART goals and professional growth during this school year. You are invited to be part of our audience during the presentations and a guest at our recognition.
• May 1, 2018 – Induction Candidate Presentations 3:15-5:45 p.m.
• May 2, 2018 – Induction Candidates Presentations 3:15-5:00 p.m.
• May 2, 2018 – Induction Recognition Ceremony 5:00-6:00 p.m.
If you are able to attend, please RSVP to Leslee Rodriguez