North Park Students Explore Valley County Water District Plant and Careers

Immersing themselves in a practical application of their science curriculum, over 50 students from North Park Continuation attended the educational trip. The excursion provided a unique opportunity for students to witness firsthand the intricate processes involved in water treatment for contaminants.

On the first half of the trip, students were guided through an exclusive tour of each stage of the treatment process, gaining insights into the machinery and techniques utilized to remove contaminants. From sedimentation to filtration, they observed the meticulous procedures that ensure the delivery of clean and safe water to the community.

The second half of the trip was dedicated to exploring potential career paths. Students engaged in a comprehensive career information session where they delved into various job opportunities within the water industry. They learned about different careers, salary ranges, and the importance of skilled water handling professionals.

This opportunity is part of the VCWD’s Aquacademy program aimed at providing educational learning experiences within the community. The experience proved to be both educational and inspirational for the students, offering a glimpse into a vital occupation and safeguarding public health and the environment. 

“Field trips like these allow us to connect classroom lessons with real-world applications which give our students a deeper understanding and exposure for their futures,” Jaime Pol, Science Teacher at North Park Continuation High School said.


NP_VCWD1: North Park Continuation High School students take a tour of the Valley County Water District Lante Treatment Plant.

NP_VCWD2: North Park Continuation High School students learn about the history and career paths in the water industry. 

NP_VCWD3: North Park Continuation High School students take a tour of the Valley County Water District Lante Treatment Plant.